The Sword Forge’s second sale is on

Thursday, August 11th at 3pm PT!

Read on for info about the Sword Forge ⚔️

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What is the Sword Forge?

The Sword Forge is the latest major update within the Kaiju Cards ecosystem. The Sword Forge distributes Genesis Swords in exchange for $GEMS.

<aside> 💡 Don’t have any $GEMS? Bring your Kaiju over to Genesis Quests and start earning! Read more about Genesis Quests in this article and on the GQ blog post.


The Sword Forge is created with proprietary software made by the Kaiju Cards dev team. It features a first-of-its-kind re-rolling mechanic (more details about this below). This infrastructure will be used for many things in the Kaiju Cards ecosystem in the future, so please give us your feedback as you use it!

Genesis Swords

Genesis Swords are the first edition of swords created by Smith Hog Bürgen.

Smith Hog Bürgen

Smith Hog Bürgen

Smith Hog Bürgen only had enough room to bring 300 Genesis Swords to the marketplace for the first batch, but as Smith Hog Bürgen accumulates enough resources, he will create new batches of the Genesis Swords collection.

Smith Hog Bürgen will never make more than 10,000 Genesis Swords, so be sure to get those $GEMS and use them to buy Genesis Swords while you can!

<aside> 💡 Distribution of Genesis Swords after the first release of 300 will be ongoing and done on a rolling basis. Dates for these releases are TBA, but we will be providing an email and SMS alert system for future drops.


The second drop has already been announced! It will contain 900 swords and is happening on Thursday, August 11th at 3pm Pacific time.
